Wedbush Analysts Outline 10 Strategies for Tesla’s Resurgence

In the aftermath of a disappointing Earnings Call, Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) faced a significant stock slump of over 12 percent. Noted Wedbush analyst Dan Ives, a consistent supporter of Tesla, critiqued the call, labeling it a “train wreck” due to a lack of essential information provided. The fallout was evident as Wedbush removed Tesla stock from its coveted “Best Ideas List,” signaling a shift in investor confidence.

Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) faced a significant stock slump of over 12 percent

Ives’ Candid Critique: A “Train Wreck” Conference Call

Dan Ives did not hold back in his criticism, emphasizing the conference call as a guide on “how not to do a conference call.” The absence of crucial details left investors in the dark about Tesla’s strategic direction, prompting Ives to voice his discontent and criticize the lack of transparency.

Ives’ 10 Turnaround Ideas He Believes Can Revive Tesla’s Fortunes

Undeterred by the gloomy outlook, Ives, in a new note, presents ten strategies he believes can revive Tesla’s fortunes. Among the key proposals are:

  1. $10 Billion Share Buyback: Utilize the substantial $30 billion cash reserve to instill confidence in investors.
  2. “X Holding” Structure: Consolidate AI initiatives to provide CEO Elon Musk with more control and a higher voting level.
  3. Halt Price Cuts: Maintain margin leverage by ceasing price cuts, thereby ensuring profitability amid growing competition.
  4. AI Day: Host an AI-focused event to elucidate goals for AI initiatives, enhancing investor understanding and confidence.
  5. Capital for X/Twitter: Seek external capital for Musk’s other ventures with assurances against further stock sales.
  6. New Compensation Package for Musk: Lock in Musk as CEO until 2030, addressing concerns and providing stability.
  7. Production/Delivery Timeline: Establish clear timelines for upcoming vehicle models, addressing concerns about production delays.
  8. Improved Conference Call Messaging: Return to formal guidance and goalposts, reversing the perceived decline in communication quality.
  9. Aggressive AI Acquisition Spree: Leverage the cash reserve for strategic AI acquisitions to bolster Tesla’s technological capabilities.
  10. Long-Term AI Revenue Targets: Provide long-term revenue targets around AI to position Tesla as a major player in the global AI landscape.

Addressing Investor Skepticism: A Key Focus

Ives acknowledges that several proposed ideas aim to address skepticism stemming from the Earnings Call. Notably, the strategy to halt price cuts, though consumer-friendly, aims to relieve pressure on Tesla’s profits, a concern that has persisted for years.

Furthermore, offering Musk a new compensation package aligns with his recent apprehensions about advancing AI development without greater control. Despite revising Tesla’s price target from $350 to $315, Ives maintains an ‘Outperform’ rating on the stock.


As Tesla grapples with post-Earnings turbulence, Ives’ proposed strategies present a potential roadmap for the company’s recovery. The ball is now in Tesla’s court to address investor concerns, implement these suggestions, and regain the market’s confidence.


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What prompted Wedbush analysts to suggest 10 turnaround strategies for the company mentioned in the article?

The analysts at Wedbush were driven by recent events, particularly the disappointing conference call and subsequent stock slump, which led them to formulate strategic recommendations to address the challenges faced by the company.

How does the proposed $10 Billion Share Buyback contribute to instilling confidence among investors?

By utilizing a substantial cash reserve for a significant share buyback, the strategy aims to showcase financial strength and commitment, thereby boosting investor confidence and potentially influencing the market sentiment positively.

What role does the suggested “X Holding” Structure play in the outlined turnaround plan?

The creation of an “X Holding” Structure is intended to consolidate various AI initiatives, providing greater control to key stakeholders and potentially influencing decision-making processes, aligning with the broader goal of the turnaround.

How do the proposed strategies address concerns about the impact of price cuts on profitability?

The recommendation to halt price cuts is designed to maintain margin leverage, ensuring sustained profitability amid market competition. While consumer-friendly, the strategy aims to balance profitability for long-term sustainability.

How might the suggested timeline for production/delivery of new vehicle models positively impact investor confidence?

Establishing clear timelines for upcoming vehicle models addresses concerns about production delays, providing investors with a roadmap for the company’s future endeavors and potentially mitigating uncertainties surrounding Tesla’s production capabilities.

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