UAW Sets Sights Beyond the Big Three, Targets Tesla, Toyota, and Volkswagen in 2028 Negotiations

In a groundbreaking development, the United Auto Workers (UAW) has successfully reached tentative agreements with automotive giants Ford, General Motors (GM), and Stellantis, bringing an end to over six weeks of strikes. However, UAW’s President, Shawn Fain, has set his sights on an even more ambitious goal. He announced on Sunday that the forthcoming round of contract negotiations in 2028 will not only involve the Big Three but will also ambitiously encompass what he referred to as a potential “Big Five or Big Six,” as detailed in a comprehensive report by Bloomberg.

UAW Sets Sights Beyond the Big Three, Targets Tesla, Toyota, and Volkswagen in 2028 Negotiations

Tesla, Toyota, and Volkswagen in UAW’s Crosshairs

This revelation follows widespread speculation that Fain and the UAW may be targeting Tesla as their next objective, especially now that agreements have been reached with Ford, Stellantis, and GM. Fain’s vision extends beyond the current members, as he recently dubbed workers at Tesla, Toyota, Honda, and others as the “United Auto Workers members of the future,” emphasizing his drive to broaden the union’s reach within the automotive sector.

Despite its significant presence in the United States, the UAW has yet to establish representation within Tesla, Toyota, and Volkswagen, all of whom operate facilities within the country. Notably, Tesla, the global leader in electric vehicles (EVs) and the most valuable automaker worldwide, is of particular interest to the UAW. With tens of thousands of employees spread across California, Texas, Nevada, and New York, it stands as an influential player in the automotive industry.

Unionization Efforts at Tesla: An Uphill Battle

Insider sources revealed to Bloomberg that Tesla’s Fremont, California factory houses a UAW organizing committee actively engaging with workers, educating them on the potential advantages of unionization and collective bargaining. Additionally, the UAW has committed to providing necessary resources to support this campaign.

However, past attempts at unionizing Tesla have met with resistance, most notably from CEO Elon Musk, who has vocally expressed his opposition to unions on multiple occasions. Last year, Musk extended an invitation for the UAW to conduct a vote at the Fremont facility, but the vote never materialized. Historical precedents indicate that the landscape of labor relations has evolved since the initial efforts to unionize the Fremont plant in 2017, which ultimately dissipated after a few years.

Challenges and Concerns

Mark Eberley, a former Fremont employee who participated in the earlier UAW drive at Tesla, expressed skepticism about the union’s chances, stating, “The UAW would love to get into Tesla, but I don’t think they have a chance.”

Concerns have also been raised about corruption scandals within the UAW and the transition to a non-union factory when Tesla acquired the plant in 2010, both of which are seen as potential obstacles to any future unionization endeavor.

Shifting Public Sentiment towards Unions

In a surprising turn, Gallup data indicates a shift in public sentiment towards unions in the U.S., with approval ratings rising from just over 50 percent in 2016 to approximately 67 percent in 2023. This resurgence coincides with Fain and the UAW’s triumph in securing tentative agreements with the industry’s powerhouses.

Seth Harris, President Joe Biden’s former deputy director at the National Economic Council, remarked, “Any effort to organize Tesla would be a battle royale. The UAW is showing itself to be a militant, well-organized force.”

Conclusion: United Auto Workers‘s Ambitious Aspirations

The United Auto Workers‘s successful negotiations with the Big Three have not only marked a significant milestone in labor relations but have also set the stage for an ambitious expansion into uncharted territory. With Tesla, Toyota, and Volkswagen firmly in their sights, the UAW, under Shawn Fain’s leadership, is poised for a formidable challenge as they gear up for negotiations in 2028.


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What prompted the United Auto Workers to target Tesla, Toyota, and Volkswagen?

UAW President Shawn Fain expressed a vision of broadening the union’s reach beyond the Big Three, identifying Tesla, Toyota, and Volkswagen as key targets for future negotiations. This move stems from a desire to enhance membership and unionize workers at these major automotive players.

Has the United Auto Workers made previous attempts to unionize Tesla?

Yes, there have been prior efforts to unionize Tesla, but they faced resistance, particularly from CEO Elon Musk. These attempts have not culminated in successful unionization at Tesla’s facilities.

What are some of the challenges the UAW may face in unionizing Tesla?

Challenges include historical resistance from Tesla’s leadership, concerns over past corruption scandals within the UAW, and the transition to a non-union factory when Tesla acquired its Fremont plant in 2010. These factors may pose obstacles to any future unionization effort.

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