Tesla Sweden Denied Access to Obtain New License Plates from Postnord

In a recent setback for Tesla in Sweden, the Court of Appeals has ruled against the Texas-based electric vehicle giant, preventing it from obtaining new car license plates through the courier service Postnord.

The Legal Tussle:

The legal tussle began when the Norrköping District Court initially granted Tesla the temporary privilege to collect new car license plates directly from the manufacturer. However, the decision faced an appeal from the Transport Agency, leading to a reversal by the Göta Court of Appeal. This ruling barred Tesla from picking up new license plates from Postnord.

Tesla the temporary privilege to collect new car license plates

Ownership Loophole

Despite the setback, Tesla and its buyers found a workaround. Customers, upon signing a purchase agreement or lease, assumed ownership. This loophole allowed Tesla to dispatch license plates directly to the customers’ homes.

Delivery Challenges

However, Tesla Sweden now grapples with challenges in obtaining license plates for impending car deliveries, asserting that 1,000 license plates are missing. Both Postnord and the Swedish Transport Agency have yet to propose viable solutions.

Labor Strikes Impact

Complicating matters, Postnord joined IF Metall’s strike against Tesla following Seko’s endorsement of the Swedish union. This sympathy strike significantly impacted the delivery of license plates for Tesla’s new electric vehicles.

Transport Agency’s Stance

Despite disruptions, the Swedish Transport Agency, responsible for issuing license plates, refused to change couriers, citing an existing agreement with Postnord for its packages.

Legal Action Unfolds

The culmination of challenges led Tesla to file a lawsuit against both Postnord and the Swedish Transport Agency. The legal battle raises questions about the broader implications of labor disputes on international corporations.


Tesla’s legal battle in Sweden raises questions about the broader implications of labor disputes on international corporations. The ongoing struggle between Tesla, Postnord, and the Swedish Transport Agency underscores the intricate challenges companies face when navigating labor strikes and contractual obligations.


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Why did the Court of Appeals rule against Tesla?

The Court of Appeals focused specifically on the matter of obtaining license plates through Postnord, ruling against Tesla’s ability to do so.

How did Tesla and its buyers work around the license plate issue?

Tesla and its buyers found a loophole by allowing customers to receive license plates directly once they sign a purchase agreement or lease, establishing ownership and enabling Tesla to dispatch the plates directly to customers’ homes.

What challenges does Tesla Sweden face in getting license plates for deliveries?

Tesla Sweden claims a shortage of 1,000 license plates, and despite the workaround, challenges persist in ensuring timely deliveries for customers awaiting their electric vehicles.

Why is the Swedish Transport Agency reluctant to change couriers?

The Swedish Transport Agency cites an existing deal with Postnord for its packages, despite disruptions caused by the strike, leading to a reluctance to switch couriers.

What prompted Tesla to file a lawsuit against Postnord and the Swedish Transport Agency?

The license plate issue, coupled with the disruptions caused by the strike, prompted Tesla to take legal action, filing a lawsuit against both Postnord and the Swedish Transport Agency.

What impact does the legal setback have on Tesla’s operations in Sweden?

This question explores the broader consequences of the Court of Appeals ruling on Tesla’s activities within Sweden, beyond the specifics of license plate acquisition.

How are Swedish customers reacting to the delays in Tesla’s license plate deliveries?

This query delves into the sentiments and responses of Tesla’s customer base in Sweden concerning the challenges in obtaining license plates and potential delays in vehicle deliveries.

Is there any indication of how other couriers in Sweden might handle the delivery of Tesla’s license plates amidst the ongoing labor strikes?

This question explores alternative solutions and possibilities regarding the courier services that Tesla Sweden could potentially engage to address the license plate delivery issues amid the labor strikes.

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