Tesla Showcases Sustainable Water Practices at Gigafactory Berlin

In recent years, Tesla‘s Gigafactory Berlin has come under intense scrutiny due to concerns surrounding its water consumption practices. However, the electric vehicle manufacturer is now illuminating its commitment to sustainability, particularly in effective water management.

Tesla’s Sustainable Water Practices at Gigafactory Berlin

Water Recycling Efforts:

In a recent announcement on the Tesla Manufacturing page on X, the company revealed that it recycles up to 100 percent of the process water used at Giga Berlin. This significant achievement is attributed to a cutting-edge wastewater treatment plant showcased in a post, featuring tanks of various sizes and a network of piping connecting the plant to production areas.

Historical Controversies

During the construction phase in 2020, Tesla faced protests at the Grünheide location over concerns about groundwater consumption. Subsequently, environmental groups, including the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) and Green League, filed a lawsuit against the state of Brandenburg. They contested that decisions about water consumption increases at the Tesla factory were made without proper testing.

Expansion Plans and Water Supply Issues

Despite Tesl a’s plans to expand Giga Berlin to achieve an annual production capacity of one million cars, the Strausberg-Erkner Water Association (WSE) rejected the proposal in August, citing concerns over water supply. Tesla had previously assured that the expansion could occur without raising water consumption. However, the state’s Environmental Agency later supported Tesla’s stance.

Environmental Endorsements

Brandenburg Minister of Agriculture Axel Vogel offered positive remarks in October, stating that Giga Berlin’s water consumption in its inaugural full year of production was significantly lower than the approved limit. The utilization was a mere 300,000 cubic meters compared to the approved 1.8 million cubic meters. This reduction was attributed in part to the state-of-the-art wastewater treatment plant.

Comparative Water Usage

It is noteworthy that Tesla’s water consumption pales in comparison to other businesses in the region. The LEAG coal plant, for instance, consumed 44.8 million cubic meters, the Premnitz waste incineration plant utilized 23 million cubic meters, an oil refinery in Schwedt required 13.5 million cubic meters, and the Klaistow asparagus farm used 1.09 million cubic meters during the same period.


Tesla’s commitment to sustainable water practices at Giga Berlin is evident through its substantial reduction in water consumption and the implementation of advanced recycling technologies. The company’s proactive efforts to address environmental concerns reflect a positive trajectory towards eco-friendly manufacturing.


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What were the grounds for protests during Giga Berlin’s construction in 2020?

Protests during the construction phase were related to concerns over groundwater consumption at the Grünheide location.

Why was Tesla’s expansion plan for Giga Berlin rejected by the Strausberg-Erkner Water Association (WSE)?

The WSE rejected Tesla’s expansion plan in August, citing concerns over a lack of water supply.

How did the Brandenburg Minister of Agriculture respond to Giga Berlin’s water consumption in its first full year of production?

Brandenburg Minister of Agriculture Axel Vogel commended Tesla, stating that Giga Berlin’s water consumption was far lower than the approved limit, attributing this to the advanced wastewater treatment plant.

What percentage of process water is recycled at Giga Berlin’s manufacturing plant?

The article discusses the recycling efforts at Giga Berlin, highlighting the percentage of process water recycled.

Why were the expansion plans for Giga Berlin rejected by the Strausberg-Erkner Water Association?

The Strausberg-Erkner Water Association rejected the expansion plans due to concerns over water supply.

How does Giga Berlin’s water consumption compare to other businesses in the region?

Giga Berlin’s water consumption stands out as notably lower than several other businesses in the regional distribution area, as detailed in the article’s comparative analysis.

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