Tesla Responds Strategically to Termination of EV Subsidies in Germany with Compensation Plan

In a surprising move, Tesla has announced a robust compensation plan in response to the abrupt termination of electric vehicle (EV) subsidies in Germany. This strategic initiative aims to offset the void left by the government’s decision, showcasing Tesla’s commitment to its customers.

Tesla has announced a robust compensation plan in response to the abrupt termination of electric vehicle

Price Adjustments and Savings for Model 3 and Model Y Buyers

Tesla’s compensation plan extends to maintaining its manufacturer’s share of €2,250 on all new Model 3 and Model Y orders placed between December 18 and 31. Before factoring in this compensation, the prices for the Model Y and Model 3 in Germany were as follows:

Model Y Prices:

  • Model Y RWD – €44,890
  • Model Y Long Range – €54,990
  • Model Y Performance – €60,990

Model 3 Prices:

  • Model 3 RWD – €42,990
  • Model 3 Long Range – €51,990

Before the termination of the EV subsidy program, customers were entitled to a discount of €6,750, split between the government and the manufacturer. Tesla previously bore €2,250 of this discount. However, moving forward, Tesla has committed to covering the entire €6,750 EV subsidy, ensuring significant savings for customers.

Government’s Policy Shift: BMWK Announcement and Subsidy Program Closure

The unexpected end of Germany’s EV subsidy program was officially communicated by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) in a press release on December 16. The ministry attributed the decision to the Climate and Transformation Fund (KTF) negotiations on December 13, 2023.

According to BMWK’s statement

“As part of the negotiations on the Climate and Transformation Fund (KTF), it was decided on December 13, 2023, to end support through the environmental bonus as soon as possible. As of December 17, 2023, no new applications for the environmental bonus can be submitted to the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA). The background is the implementation of the Federal Constitutional Court’s ruling, as a result of which 60 billion euros will be withdrawn from the KTF. Therefore, the KTF’s economic plan for 2024 has to be redrafted, and fewer resources are available to it.”

BMWK clarified that they would cease accepting new applications for the EV subsidy program on December 17. However, applications submitted before this date would continue to be processed and approved.

Program Success and Tesla’s Forward Strategy

BMWK proudly highlighted the success of its EV subsidy program, noting that it had paid out €10 million in subsidies since its inception in 2016, supporting 2.1 million electric vehicle purchases. Despite the program’s achievements, the decision to terminate it was grounded in the need to adapt to the Federal Constitutional Court’s ruling and the subsequent financial adjustments to the KTF.

Tesla’s proactive response to the sudden policy shift not only reflects its commitment to customer satisfaction but also underscores the company’s adaptability to evolving market conditions. The decision to absorb the entire EV subsidy ensures that Tesla remains an attractive option for prospective EV buyers in Germany.


As the automotive industry navigates the dynamic landscape of EV subsidies and governmental policy changes, Tesla’s swift and comprehensive compensation plan stands out as a testament to its dedication to customers. The impact of Germany’s decision to end the subsidy program will undoubtedly be mitigated for Tesla customers, maintaining the allure of electric vehicles in the country.


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What prompted the sudden end of the EV subsidy program in Germany?

The termination of the EV subsidy program in Germany was initiated as part of the Climate and Transformation Fund (KTF) negotiations, following a decision made on December 13, 2023.

How does the compensation plan affect Model 3 and Model Y prices in Germany?

The compensation plan maintains a manufacturer’s share of €2,250 on new Model 3 and Model Y orders placed between December 18 and 31, offsetting the impact of the discontinued EV subsidies.

Can customers still benefit from discounts on Model Y and Model 3 purchases after the end of the EV subsidy program?

Yes, customers can still enjoy savings as Tesla has committed to covering the entire €6,750 EV subsidy, ensuring significant discounts on Model Y and Model 3 purchases.

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