Tesla Model Y Configuration Fully Booked in China for the Entirety of 2023

In a strategic move to achieve its ambitious goal of delivering 1.8 million vehicles globally in 2023, Tesla has successfully sold out the Model Y Standard Range configuration in China for the rest of the year. This accomplishment highlights the significant demand for Tesla’s electric vehicles (EVs) in one of the company’s key markets.

Tesla has successfully sold out the Model Y Standard Range configuration in China

China – A Powerhouse for Tesla

China has consistently proven to be a powerhouse for Tesla, with its surging demand for electric vehicles propelling the automaker to the forefront of sales rankings among manufacturers. The introduction of the Model 3 and Model Y has played a pivotal role in this success, driving a surge in EV adoption among Chinese residents. Data from the World Resources Institute reveals that China’s embrace of Tesla’s EVs is second only to leading European countries such as Norway, Iceland, Sweden, and the Netherlands.

Model Y Overtakes Model 3 Globally

The Model Y, with its crossover body style, has overtaken the Model 3 as Tesla’s most popular vehicle globally in recent years. This shift in preference is likely attributed to the widespread popularity of crossover vehicles worldwide. In China specifically, the entry-level Standard Range configuration of the Model Y has emerged as the frontrunner, selling out for the entire year. Tesla’s Chinese social media team conveyed the achievement in a post, translated from the original Chinese:

“Model Y Standard Range Edition

Sold Out


On the way to Tesla’s global delivery of 1.8 million vehicles

Thank you for your efforts.”

Tesla’s Global Delivery Goal

Tesla’s push towards the 1.8 million delivery goal comes on the heels of upgrades made to its factories in Q3, resulting in the company’s first quarter-over-quarter delivery decrease in recent years. Despite this, China remains a pivotal focus for Tesla, having played a substantial role in the company’s overall performance in both sales and deliveries.


Tesla’s success in selling out the Model Y Standard Range configuration for the rest of 2023 in China underscores the ever-growing demand for electric vehicles in the country. The achievement aligns with Tesla’s broader strategy to meet its ambitious global delivery goal for the year, emphasizing the significance of the Chinese market in the company’s overall performance.


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Why has the Model Y Standard Range configuration sold out in China?

The surge in demand for Tesla’s electric vehicles in China, coupled with the popularity of the Model Y’s entry-level Standard Range configuration, has led to its complete sell-out for the remainder of 2023.

What impact does this achievement have on Tesla’s global delivery goal?

Selling out the Model Y Standard Range in China contributes significantly to Tesla’s pursuit of its 1.8 million vehicle delivery goal for 2023, showcasing the importance of the Chinese market in achieving this milestone.

How has China contributed to Tesla’s overall performance in sales and deliveries?

China has been a key market for Tesla, playing a crucial role in the company’s stellar performance in both sales and deliveries. The demand for electric vehicles in China has consistently positioned Tesla among the top manufacturers in the country.

What role has China played in Tesla’s overall performance in sales and deliveries?

China has been a crucial market for Tesla, playing a pivotal role in the company’s exceptional performance in both sales and deliveries. The substantial demand for electric vehicles in China has consistently positioned Tesla among the top manufacturers in the country, highlighting the significance of the Chinese market in Tesla’s global success.

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