Tesla Model 3 Performance Owner’s Remarkable Encounter with Hamas Terrorists

In an extraordinary turn of events, a Tesla Model 3 Performance owner from Mefalsim, Israel, found himself in a life-threatening situation when he encountered armed Hamas terrorists. This incident not only highlights the exceptional capabilities of electric vehicles but also showcases their potential to be a lifesaver in dire circumstances.

The Encounter

As the Hamas attack unfolded, the Tesla Model 3 Performance owner, a resident of Mefalsim near the Gaza Strip, was urgently summoned by the community’s alert squad. En route to the assembly point, he came face-to-face with a vehicle loaded with armed terrorists. The aftermath, captured in photos and videos, vividly portrays the gravity of the situation.

Unwavering Determination

Speaking from his hospital bed at Sheba Hospital, the Tesla owner recounted the harrowing details. The terrorists, armed with Kalashnikovs and a heavy machine gun, unleashed a barrage of bullets at the Model 3 Performance. Unaware that they were targeting an electric car, they aimed at the non-existent engine and attempted to ignite an absent fuel tank. Even when the tires were shot, the Tesla owner, pressed on the accelerator, skillfully evaded his assailants.

The Race for Survival

The Tesla Model 3 Performance’s instant torque played a crucial role in the owner’s escape. Outpacing the pursuing terrorists, he managed to maintain control despite blown-out tires. At speeds of up to 180 km/h (111 mph), he hurtled towards Barzilai Hospital, the bullet-ridden Model 3 standing as a symbol of his indomitable will.

Exceptional Resilience

Remarkably, the electric vehicle’s dual propulsion system proved to be indispensable, allowing it to remain operational even in the face of extreme adversity. The Tesla owner’s wife, using the Tesla App, tracked the wounded vehicle’s progress, providing a beacon of hope amidst the chaos.

A Tenacious Journey Of Tesla Model 3

Bearing multiple injuries, including bullet wounds to his legs, hand, and skull, the Tesla owner’s determination to reach safety was unyielding. “The car continued to drive; the battery didn’t heat up, but it took a lot. There is no part that didn’t take a bullet. It still drives if you press the gas, but it seems to me that I should already be thinking about my next Tesla,” he reflected.


This extraordinary account underscores the unforeseen advantages of electric vehicles in life-threatening situations. The Tesla Model 3 Performance’s instant torque and absence of an internal combustion engine were pivotal in this daring escape, showcasing the potential for EVs beyond conventional transportation.

Key Takeaways

  • The Tesla Model 3 Performance’s instant torque and dual propulsion system proved critical in the owner’s escape.
  • The vehicle’s resilience, despite sustaining numerous bullet holes, highlights its robust design and engineering.
  • This incident emphasizes the unexpected advantages of electric vehicles in crisis scenarios, positioning them as reliable means of escape and transportation, especially in high-pressure situations.


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How did the Tesla owner manage to escape with blown-out tires?

The Tesla Model 3 Performance’s dual propulsion system, coupled with its remarkable acceleration, allowed the owner to maintain control even with blown-out tires. This, in turn, enabled him to reach safety at high speeds.

Was the Tesla still functional by the time it reached the hospital?

Astonishingly, yes. Despite sustaining numerous bullet holes, the Model 3 remained operational, a testament to its robust design and engineering.

What are the implications of this incident for electric vehicles in emergency situations?

This incident highlights the unexpected advantages of electric vehicles in crisis scenarios. The Tesla owner’s experience underscores the potential for EVs to serve as reliable means of escape and transportation, especially in high-pressure situations.

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