Tesla Expands Legal Team in Sweden Amid Union Strike

In response to an ongoing union strike led by IF Metall in Sweden, Tesla is strategically expanding its legal team by advertising a position for a government affairs specialist on its Careers website. The move is a proactive response to the challenges arising from the strike, which was triggered by the absence of a collective agreement between IF Metall and Tesla.

Navigating Challenges: The Union Strike Impact

The repercussions of the union strike have presented numerous challenges for Tesla’s operations in Sweden. IF Metall’s protests and sympathy strikes extending beyond borders have resulted in significant disruptions for Tesla Sweden.

Tesla Expanding Legal Team: In Search of Government Affairs Specialist in Sweden Amid Union Protest

Key Focus: Government Affairs Specialist in the Nordic Region

The job opening specifically targets the Nordic region, emphasizing the necessity for a seasoned professional with substantial experience in legislative and regulatory advocacy within the Nordic context. The specialist will be based in Stockholm, Sweden, and will play a pivotal role in advancing Tesla’s mission in the Nordic countries—Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland.

Responsibilities of the Government Affairs Specialist

The selected candidate will have a range of responsibilities, including:

  1. Tracking and Analyzing Legislation: Monitoring and analyzing relevant legislation and policy proposals in the Nordics impacting electric vehicles, autonomous driving, and electric vehicle charging.
  2. Policy Development and Advocacy: Collaborating with European and global Tesla teams to develop policy positions and drive positive changes supporting Tesla’s mission.
  3. Building Collaborations: Forging coalitions within sustainable transportation and energy communities to strengthen Tesla’s position.
  4. Interdepartmental Coordination: Working with various Tesla teams such as sales, charging, legal, compliance, homologation, product development, and engineering to ensure the best outcomes.

Potential Shift: Collective Bargaining and CEO Elon Musk’s Perspective

This move by Tesla raises questions about whether the company is considering a shift in its stance on collective bargaining. Despite CEO Elon Musk’s historical skepticism towards unions, Tesla’s Norwegian boss, Axel Tangen, clarified to Norway’s governing Labour Party that Tesla has no global policy against organized labor.


Tesla’s strategic move to enhance its legal team in Sweden reflects the company’s commitment to overcoming challenges posed by the ongoing union strike. The recruitment of a government affairs specialist with a focus on the Nordic region underscores Tesla’s dedication to aligning with local legislative and regulatory landscapes.


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Why is Tesla hiring a government affairs specialist in Sweden?

Tesla is expanding its legal team in response to an ongoing union strike and associated disruptions in Sweden.

What are the key responsibilities of the government affairs specialist at Tesla?

The specialist will track and analyze legislation, develop policies, build collaborations, and coordinate with various Tesla teams for optimal outcomes.

Does this move indicate a change in Tesla’s stance on unions?

While CEO Elon Musk has been skeptical of unions, Tesla’s Norwegian boss, Axel Tangen, clarified that the company has no global policy against organized labor.

Where will the government affairs specialist position be based?

The position will be based in Stockholm, Sweden, reflecting Tesla’s strategic focus on the Nordic region.

Why is there a need for a government affairs specialist in Sweden during the ongoing union strike?

The demand for a government affairs specialist in Sweden arises due to the current union strike, which has introduced challenges and disruptions, necessitating a strategic response to navigate the evolving legal and regulatory landscape.

How does the government affairs specialist contribute to Tesla’s mission in the Nordic region?

The specialist plays a crucial role in advancing Tesla’s objectives in the Nordic countries by monitoring and influencing legislative and regulatory frameworks. This includes tracking relevant policies, collaborating on strategic positions, and building partnerships within sustainable communities to ensure the company’s mission aligns with regional goals.

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