Tesla Cybertruck Pricing, Limited Production, and Prospects

In a significant stride towards revolutionizing the automotive industry, Tesla Cybertruck production has commenced, setting the stage for a presumed fall delivery event. However, as the first car carriers, laden with these futuristic vehicles, make their debut, a pertinent question arises: Who will be the fortunate recipients, and where are these Tesla Cybertruck destined?

Image credit : Forbes

Tesla Cybertruck Limited Production

  • In a significant stride towards revolutionizing the automotive industry, Tesla Cybertruck production has commenced.
  • The first car carriers, laden with these futuristic vehicles, have made their debut.

In its Q2 2023 Update, released in July, Tesla referred to the dispatched Cybertrucks as “release candidate builds,” emphasizing extensive global testing for final certification and validation. A prevailing consensus on social media points to rigorous crash testing units. Unfortunately, for the approximately two million eager customers who have already placed their orders, patience will be paramount. Volume production for these eager buyers is not slated until the following year.

Tesla Cybertruck Testing and Validation

  • Tesla’s Q2 2023 Update highlighted the dispatched Cybertrucks as “release candidate builds.”
  • Extensive global testing for final certification and validation is underway.

Notably absent from the flurry of excitement is any discourse on pricing. Initially, Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk touted a starting price of $39,900—a figure of paramount significance for the pragmatic, prospective blue-collar consumers, who may not necessarily identify as Tesla enthusiasts but could be swayed by an affordable electric pickup. Yet, in a pivot during the Annual Shareholder meeting in May, Musk acknowledged the challenges in attaining such affordability, citing the novelty of the vehicle and its unique manufacturing process.

Elon Musk’s Pricing Vision

  • Initially, Elon Musk touted a starting price of $39,900 for the Tesla Cybertruck.
  • He acknowledged the challenges in achieving this price due to the novelty of the vehicle and its unique manufacturing process.

This alteration in stance implies that the promise of a $39,900 Tesla Cybertruck, if it ever truly materialized, could echo the fate of the $25,000 vehicle Musk once envisioned. The original pricing scheme for the Cybertruck, unveiled by Tesla in 2019, was as follows:

  • Single Motor RWD with 250+ miles of range: $39,900
  • Dual Motor AWD with 300+ miles of range: $49,900
  • Tri Motor AWD with 500+ miles of range: $69,900

I turned to Matt Degen, senior editor for Kelley Blue Book, for insight into his projections for the Tesla Cybertruck‘s price point. “We currently estimate it will start at around $50,000. That would place it squarely in competition with the mass-market Ford F-150 Lightning (which starts at $49,995),” he conveyed in an email, referencing Ford’s inaugural electric pickup.

Price Projections by Matt Degen

  • Kelley Blue Book’s senior editor, Matt Degen, estimates the Tesla Cybertruck will start at around $50,000.
  • This puts it in competition with the mass-market Ford F-150 Lightning.

As for any deviations from the initial pricing target, Degen’s perspective is enlightening. He notes, “I’m not surprised by the price change. Keep in mind, the same thing happened with the Lightning, to a point. When sales started, it was also marketed at $40,000. And some early models may have sold around that price. But then the base price quickly increased. Then, this past summer, it decreased to what it is now.” In today’s electric vehicle landscape, a $60,000 price tag doesn’t seem to deter consumers, harkening back to an era when that amount was the average cost of a home in the early 1980s.

Tesla Cybertruck Price Variations: Learning from Ford F-150 Lightning

  • Early marketing of Ford F-150 Lightning was at $40,000, but the base price increased over time.
  • This summer, it decreased to its current price.

With a staggering couple of million reservations for the Tesla Cybertruck, inquiries regarding the availability of a $39,900 variant might well be moot. Elon Musk declared in July that demand for the vehicle has surpassed even the loftiest expectations.

Nonetheless, Tesla’s pricing strategies are subject to continual flux. Degen notes, “The price of the forthcoming Cybertruck is a moving target.” Consequently, there remains a possibility that Musk, known for his efforts to enhance affordability, may yet bring the $39,900 version to fruition. In the interim, prospective buyers can capitalize on substantial incentives. When federal and state subsidies are combined, they can potentially reduce the price by as much as $15,000 (particularly in California), a reflection of Tesla’s current push to make its vehicles more accessible.

Tesla’s Dynamic Pricing Strategy

  • The price of the forthcoming Cybertruck is subject to constant change, notes Matt Degen.
  • Federal and state incentives can significantly reduce the final price, particularly in California.

Looking ahead, the age of the Tesla Cybertruck promises to be a pivotal moment in Tesla’s ascent towards becoming the world’s foremost car manufacturer by output. Degen acknowledges, “Musk is correct in pointing out that this is an all-new model being built at a new factory.” This new facility holds untold potential for driving down costs, and subsequently, prices in the future.

Future Prospects for Tesla’s Cybertruck

  • The Cybertruck marks a significant step in Tesla’s journey towards becoming the world’s leading car manufacturer.
  • The new factory offers potential for cost reduction and price competitiveness in the future.


As Tesla’s Cybertruck embarks on its journey from limited production to widespread availability, questions surrounding pricing and accessibility remain at the forefront. With a dynamic market and an insatiable demand, Elon Musk’s vision for an affordable electric pickup could very well redefine the industry.


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When is Tesla expected to commence volume production for Cybertruck customers?

Volume production for customers is anticipated to begin the following year, as stated in Tesla’s Q2 2023 Update.

What were the original price points for the Cybertruck models as released by Tesla in 2019?

The original pricing scheme unveiled in 2019 was as follows:Single Motor RWD with 250+ miles of range: $39,900
Dual Motor AWD with 300+ miles of range: $49,900
Tri Motor AWD with 500+ miles of range: $69,900

What is the estimated starting price for the Cybertruck according to Kelley Blue Book’s senior editor, Matt Degen?

The current estimate places the starting price at around $50,000, aligning it with the mass-market Ford F-150 Lightning.

What incentives are available to potential buyers of the Cybertruck?

Buyers can take advantage of combined federal and state subsidies, which can potentially reduce the price by as much as $15,000, especially in California. Tesla is actively promoting these incentives to make their vehicles more accessible.

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