Tesla Cybertruck Parts Catalog Delights with Component Costs, Key Features, and Easter Eggs

In a recent update to Tesla‘s parts catalog, the spotlight shines on the much-anticipated Cybertruck, revealing not only its inner workings but also shedding light on intriguing features yet to be officially acknowledged by the electric vehicle giant.

Cybertruck Components Pricing

Enthusiasts, especially members of the Cybertruck Owners’ Club, have eagerly dissected the updated parts catalog, uncovering the design intricacies and gaining insights into the pricing of key components. Remarkably, the cost of some primary elements appears to align with the vehicle’s bold and robust persona.

For instance, a glance at the catalog showcases the Cybertruck’s front fenders priced at a reasonable $550 each. Given the substantial size of the vehicle, this seemingly modest cost may extend to repair expenses, considering the Cybertruck requires no paint. However, not all components share this affordability, with the vehicle’s colossal windshield glass demanding a more considerable investment at $1,900. Despite this, repairs may pose an additional financial challenge, as the sheer size of the glass hints at specialized machines being a prerequisite.

Adding to the list of pricier components is the Cybertruck’s front steering actuator, carrying a tag of $3,300. While this aspect has garnered praise for its innovative steer-by-wire system, the price tag underscores the premium associated with cutting-edge features. A more light-hearted note in the pricing department is struck by the Cybertruck’s oversized wiper blade, which, despite its humorous appeal, commands a relatively modest $75.

Cybertruck Features

Beyond the financial aspect, the parts catalog also provides subtle hints about features yet to be officially unveiled by Tesla. Notably, the Cybertruck’s front bumper camera is equipped with a heating element, a detail not previously disclosed. This addition could enhance the vehicle’s performance, especially in winter conditions, potentially optimizing features like Autopilot and Full Self-Driving.

Another undisclosed feature uncovered in the catalog is the folding rear middle seat, unveiling a pair of cupholders with a distinct “cyber” design. This clever and functional touch adds an element of surprise for future Cybertruck owners.

Easter Eggs and Surprises

Tesla, renowned for its attention to detail, seems to have embedded a playful aspect into the Cybertruck’s design. Examining the closure panels on the vehicle’s rear reveals an unmistakable Cybertruck outline—a subtle but delightful Easter egg for those exploring the intricacies of their vehicles.


The updated parts catalog for the Cybertruck not only offers a glimpse into the vehicle’s mechanical soul but also unravels some of the mysteries surrounding its anticipated features. From pricing considerations to unexpected surprises, the catalog deepens the intrigue surrounding Tesla’s groundbreaking all-electric pickup.


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Are the prices for Cybertruck components reasonable?

While some components, such as front fenders, are reasonably priced at $550 each, others like the windshield glass and front steering actuator carry higher costs, reflecting the vehicle’s advanced features.

What is the significance of the heated front bumper camera?

The heated front bumper camera is a previously undisclosed feature that could enhance the Cybertruck’s performance in winter conditions, particularly optimizing functions like Autopilot and Full Self-Driving.

What are the notable Easter eggs mentioned in the article?

The closure panels on the Cybertruck’s rear reveal a distinctive Cybertruck outline—a subtle Easter egg for owners to discover. Additionally, the folding rear middle seat unveils cupholders with a unique “cyber” design, adding a touch of surprise and functionality.

Are the prices for Tesla’s components reasonable?

While some components, such as front fenders, are reasonably priced at $550 each, others like the windshield glass and front steering actuator carry higher costs, reflecting the advanced features of Tesla’s groundbreaking vehicle.

What is the significance of the heated front bumper camera?

The heated front bumper camera, a previously undisclosed feature, could enhance the vehicle’s performance in winter conditions, particularly optimizing functions like Autopilot and Full Self-Driving.

What surprises are hidden in Tesla’s design details?

Tesla’s meticulous design extends to subtle surprises, such as the distinctive outline on the vehicle’s rear closure panels and the cleverly concealed cupholders with a unique “cyber” design in the folding rear middle seat.

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