Susanna Gideonsson Resigns Amidst Tesla Clash

In a surprising turn of events, Susanna Gideonsson, the Chairperson of the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO), has announced her decision to step down this spring. Gideonsson’s departure follows her firm stance against electric vehicle giant Tesla, sparking speculation about the impact of her resignation on the ongoing conflict between IF Metall and the automaker.

The Tesla-LO Standoff: A Battle Unfolding

The rift between IF Metall and Tesla has been escalating, with several unions under the LO umbrella initiating sympathy strikes against the company. Gideonsson’s comments in November hinted at the possibility of escalating the battle to the point where Tesla could be driven out of Sweden. She emphasized the preparedness of LO, expressing regret at such a scenario while underlining the union’s determination.

Susanna Gideonsson, the Chairperson of the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO), has announced her decision to step down this spring

Susanna Gideonsson’s Decision to Step Down

According to a report from Dagens Nyheter (DN), Susanna Gideonsson’s decision to step down appears to be a departure from her initial plan to seek re-election in mid-May. In an interview with DN, she cited the challenges of 2023 as a significant factor, describing it as a personally difficult year. Gideonsson expressed a desire to “invest in loved ones” and “get a normal life at home,” a sentiment influenced by her extensive career in political and trade union spheres.

Leading LO Through Turbulent Times

Taking charge of LO in 2020 amid the pandemic, Susanna Gideonsson faced the formidable task of uniting an organization torn by differing views. Reflecting on her tenure, she highlighted pride in the union’s accomplishments during the pandemic. Notably, she mentioned maintaining collective agreements despite EU requirements for minimum wages and advocating for the recognition of climate change as a trade union issue.

Implications of Gideonsson’s Departure

Susanna Gideonsson’s decision to step down amid the Tesla conflict raises questions about the potential implications for LO’s future leadership and the resolution of the ongoing dispute. While a resolution between IF Metall and Tesla could provide a positive conclusion to Gideonsson’s tenure, the possibility of leaving with unresolved issues looms if the conflict persists.


Susanna Gideonsson’s departure from LO marks the end of a challenging chapter, both for her personally and for the trade union. As she navigated the complexities of uniting divergent views within the organization, her decision to step down adds a layer of intrigue to the ongoing conflict with Tesla. Whether her successor will adopt a similar stance or take a different approach remains uncertain, leaving room for speculation about the future dynamics between LO and the electric vehicle giant.


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Why is Susanna Gideonsson stepping down as the Chair of the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO)?

Gideonsson cites personal challenges in 2023 as a significant factor in her decision to step down. Her desire to invest time in loved ones and establish a more normal life at home influenced this unexpected move.

How does Gideonsson’s resignation relate to the conflict between IF Metall and Tesla?

Gideonsson’s departure adds a layer of uncertainty to the ongoing conflict. The implications for the resolution of the dispute and the future stance of LO under new leadership are now subjects of speculation.

What milestones did Gideonsson highlight during her tenure as LO’s Chairperson?

Gideonsson expressed pride in maintaining collective agreements during the pandemic, despite EU requirements for minimum wages. Additionally, she emphasized LO’s successful advocacy for recognizing climate change as a crucial trade union issue.

How has the conflict between IF Metall and Tesla escalated within the LO umbrella?

Several unions under LO initiated sympathy strikes against Tesla amidst the conflict with IF Metall. Gideonsson’s earlier comments hinted at the possibility of driving Tesla out of Sweden, showcasing the severity of the standoff.

What challenges did Gideonsson face when she assumed the role of LO Chairperson in 2020?

Gideonsson took charge of LO during the pandemic, tasked with uniting an organization torn by differing views. Her leadership involved navigating complexities to maintain collective agreements and emphasizing the trade union’s role in addressing climate change.

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