Stellantis Fortifies Software Strategy with Acquisition of CloudMade’s AI Technology

In a significant stride towards automotive innovation, Stellantis N.V. has acquired CloudMade, a pioneer in developing state-of-the-art big-data solutions for the automotive industry. This acquisition includes CloudMade’s cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) framework, machine learning models, and intellectual property rights and patents, positioning Stellantis at the forefront of technological advancements.

CloudMade’s cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) framework

CloudMade AI Technology: Shaping In-Car Experiences

CloudMade’s AI-powered framework, known for its industry-leading cloud and software development kit, has played a pivotal role in collecting and analyzing automotive datasets. Stellantis acknowledges the influential role of CloudMade’s AI technology in transforming in-car mobility user experiences over the past decade.

Yves Bonnefont’s Vision: Dare Forward 2030

Expressing enthusiasm, Yves Bonnefont, Chief Software Officer at Stellantis, highlighted the strategic significance of this acquisition. He stated, “The acquisition of CloudMade’s pioneering AI capabilities will accelerate our development journey on STLA SmartCockpit and help us deliver our Dare Forward 2030 goals.” This underlines Stellantis’ commitment to pushing the boundaries of innovation.

STLA SmartCockpit Development: India’s Role in the Short Term

In 2022, Stellantis turned to India for the short-term development of the STLA SmartCockpit, announcing plans to establish a software center in Bengaluru, Karnataka. This move signifies Stellantis’ dedication to global collaboration and tapping into diverse expertise.

Intelligent Mobility Solutions: The Next Frontier

Stellantis envisions using CloudMade’s AI-powered technology to propel the development of the STLA SmartCockpit. This software offering, a crucial part of the Dare Forward 2030 initiative, aims to redefine how users interact with Stellantis vehicles. The company plans to create more natural and intuitive interfaces, transforming the in-vehicle experience.

Mobile Drive Joint Venture Between Stellantis and Foxconn

The next-generation interface for Stellantis vehicles will be powered by the Mobile Drive joint venture between Stellantis and Foxconn. This collaboration is set to redefine user experiences, aligning with Stellantis’ vision of delivering personalized and intelligent mobility solutions.


Stellantis’ strategic acquisition of CloudMade underscores its commitment to staying ahead in the competitive automotive landscape. By integrating CloudMade’s AI capabilities, the company is poised to deliver intelligent mobility solutions and redefine the user experience in Stellanti s vehicles.


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What specific technologies did the recent acquisition include?

The acquisition encompassed CloudMade’s cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) framework, machine learning models, and a range of intellectual property rights and patents. These technologies are poised to reshape the landscape of automotive innovation.

How does CloudMade’s AI technology impact the development of STLA SmartCockpit?

CloudMade’s AI technology is set to play a pivotal role in advancing the development of the STLA SmartCockpit, offering an adaptable framework that aligns with future automotive goals. This integration aims to redefine user experiences within vehicles.

What role does Yves Bonnefont envision for CloudMade’s AI capabilities?

Yves Bonnefont, Chief Software Officer, envisions CloudMade’s AI capabilities as a catalyst for accelerating the development journey on the STLA SmartCockpit. This strategic move is part of broader goals set for the Dare Forward 2030 initiative.

Why did the company turn to India for the short-term development of STLA SmartCockpit?

India’s strategic importance lies in hosting the establishment of a software center in Bengaluru, Karnataka, signaling a commitment to tapping into global expertise and collaboration to drive short-term advancements in SmartCockpit development.

How will the Mobile Drive joint venture contribute to the next-generation interface for vehicles?

The Mobile Drive joint venture, a collaboration between the company and Foxconn, is poised to power the next-generation interface for Stellantis vehicles. This collaboration aims to redefine user experiences, providing more intuitive and personalized interfaces.

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