Stellantis CEO Expresses Concerns Over Political Climates Impacting Electric Vehicle Sales

In a recent press conference held outside Stellantis’s Mirafiori plant in Italy, Stellantis CEO Carlos Tavares voiced his concerns about the potential impact of major upcoming elections in the United States and the United Kingdom on the sale of electric vehicles (EVs). Tavares warned that the evolving political climates in these regions could significantly influence the trajectory of electrification, potentially resulting in a slowdown of EV sales.

Stellantis CEO Carlos Tavares Sounds Caution on Electric Vehicle Sales Amid Political Uncertainties

The Delicate Balance: Public Opinion and EV Sales

During the conference, Tavares, in a statement to Automobilwoche (via Automotive News), underscored the delicate balance between public opinion and the fate of EV sales. While he did not specify the potential consequences if emissions regulations were to be reversed in the coming years, he acknowledged the need for Stellantis to be prepared for shifting dynamics in both political and public sentiment.

“If political and public opinion tends toward fewer EVs, one of my tasks is to prepare the company for new framework conditions. We have plans prepared for this,” remarked Tavares, hinting at potential strategic adjustments to align with changing circumstances.

Commitment Amid Concerns: Stellantis’s Dare Forward 2030 Plan

Despite these concerns, Stellantis remains committed to its Dare Forward 2030 plan, aiming for 100 percent battery-electric vehicle (BEV) sales in Europe and 50 percent in the U.S. by the beginning of the new decade. The company’s steadfast pursuit of electrification aligns with broader industry trends, even as some voices express worries about slowing demand for EVs, speculating that consumers may hold out for more affordable models expected to enter the market in the near future.

Industry Landscape: Challenges and Strategies

This announcement coincided with expectations that Tesla is poised to claim the title of the top-selling vehicle in Europe for the current year. Additionally, Stellantis recently unveiled plans to offer voluntary buyouts for 6,400 workers as part of cost-cutting measures to facilitate its transition to EVs. Notably, the company, alongside Ford and General Motors (GM), faced historic United Auto Workers (UAW) strikes in the U.S.

Global Shift Towards Electric: Regulatory Milestones

The broader context of the automotive industry is shaped by ambitious targets set by governments globally to curb emissions. The European Union (EU) declared earlier this year its intention to ban the sale of gas vehicles by 2035, echoing a similar mandate passed in California in the preceding year. Moreover, U.S. states like New Jersey have also set 2035 targets for gas car sales bans.


Stellantis CEO Carlos Tavares’s cautionary remarks shed light on the intricate relationship between political climates, public opinion, and the future of electric vehicles. As the automotive industry navigates this critical juncture, Stellantis remains resilient in its commitment to electrification while acknowledging the need for adaptability in the face of evolving circumstances.


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What is Stellantis’s Dare Forward 2030 plan?

Stellantis’s Dare Forward 2030 plan outlines the company’s ambitious goals, including achieving 100 percent battery-electric vehicle (BEV) sales in Europe and 50 percent in the U.S. by the beginning of the new decade.

How is Stellantis addressing concerns about slowing EV demand?

Despite concerns about slowing demand for electric vehicles (EVs), Stellantis remains committed to its electrification goals and is prepared to make strategic adjustments if necessary.

What recent challenges has Stellantis faced in its transition to EVs?

Stellantis recently announced voluntary buyouts for 6,400 workers and experienced historic United Auto Workers (UAW) strikes in the U.S. These measures are part of the company’s efforts to cut costs and facilitate its transition to electric vehicles.

What are the broader industry trends influencing Stellantis’s strategy?

The broader automotive industry is shaped by global efforts to curb emissions, with governments setting ambitious targets such as the European Union’s plan to ban the sale of gas vehicles by 2035.

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