IF Metall Offers Incentives as Tesla Sweden Strike Enters Third Week

IF Metall, the Swedish labor union, is sweetening the deal for Tesla Sweden employees, enticing them to join the ongoing strike against the electric vehicle giant. As the strike enters its third week, the union has extended an offer of compensation amounting to 130% more than Tesla’s salary to encourage employee participation.

IF Metall’s Offer: 130% More Compensation Amid Tesla Sweden Strike

As the Tesla Sweden strike continues, IF Metall unveils a strategic move to entice employees to join the picket lines. The union is offering a compensation package that stands at a formidable 130% more than the salaries provided by Tesla.

IF Metall, the Swedish labor union, is sweetening the deal for Tesla Sweden employees, enticing them to join the ongoing strike against the electric vehicle giant.

The Collective Agreement Conundrum: Root Cause of Labor Dispute

The conflict ignited when IF Metall issued a strike notice to Tesla Sweden, citing the company’s reluctance to sign a collective agreement. This agreement plays a pivotal role in defining employment terms, including wages, occupational pensions, working hours, and vacations.

Key Points of Contention: Wages, Pensions, and Insurance

IF Metall contends that a collective agreement with Tesla Sweden is crucial for ensuring fair, decent, and safe working conditions. Head of collective agreements, Veli-Pekka Saikkala, elaborates that the dispute revolves around employee wages, pensions, and insurance. In response, Tesla Sweden asserts that their existing agreements surpass those offered by the union.

October 27 Strike Notice: A Day Without Tesla Employees

The decisive moment arrived on October 27 when the union issued a strike notice, notifying Tesla that mechanics would cease work. Contrary to expectations, the day transpired without any Tesla Sweden employees joining the picket lines. Statements from some employees revealed a divergence of opinion, with some expressing contentment with their current working conditions and wages.

Public Sentiments: Resistance to Union Involvement

A subset of the Swedish public, as reported to Teslarati, shared analogous sentiments, asserting that Tesla Sweden employees are resistant to union involvement in their employment affairs.


As the Tesla Sweden strike enters its third week, the conflict persists, revealing a discord between the objectives of IF Metall and the sentiments of Tesla employees. The question remains: Will the allure of increased compensation be enough to tip the scales and bring Tesla Sweden employees into the fold of the striking union?


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Why did IF Metall issue a strike notice to Tesla Sweden?

IF Metall served a strike notice to Tesla Sweden after the company refused to sign a collective agreement, a key instrument determining employment terms such as wages, pensions, working hours, and vacations.

What are the main points of contention between IF Metall and Tesla Sweden?

The primary issues in the conflict include disagreements over employee wages, pensions, and insurance. IF Metall argues that a collective agreement is necessary for ensuring fair and safe working conditions.

What is IF Metall doing to encourage Tesla Sweden employees to join the strike?

IF Metall is offering Tesla Sweden employees a compensation package that is 130% higher than the salaries provided by Tesla, aiming to incentivize their participation in the strike.

Why did the labor union issue a strike notice to Tesla Sweden?

The strike notice was served to Tesla Sweden after the company declined to sign a collective agreement, a crucial document outlining employment terms such as wages, pensions, working hours, and vacations.

What are the main points of contention between the labor union and Tesla Sweden?

The primary issues fueling the conflict involve disagreements over Tesla Sweden employee wages, pensions, and insurance. The labor union emphasizes the necessity of a collective agreement to ensure fair and safe working conditions.

What measures are being taken to encourage Tesla Sweden employees to participate in the strike?

To rally support for the ongoing strike, the labor union is offering Tesla Sweden employees a compensation package that exceeds their current salaries by 130%, aiming to provide a significant incentive for their involvement in the strike.

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