Anders Bell’s Insightful Journey: From Tesla to Volvo in the Electric Vehicle Revolution

In 1998, Anders Bell embarked on his automotive journey at Volvo Cars, focusing on the interiors of the Volvo 60 and 90 series. His dedication and expertise laid the foundation for his later contributions to the electric vehicle revolution.

A Californian Stint at Tesla

In 2016, Bell’s expertise led him to Tesla, where he spent six transformative years as the Senior Director of Engineering. Split between the bustling landscapes of California and the emerging hub of Giga Berlin, Bell played a pivotal role in shaping Tesla’s electric vehicle vision.

Unique Perspectives on Electric Vehicle Transition

In an exclusive conversation with The Gothenburg Post, Bell drew insightful parallels between Volvo and Tesla’s approaches to electric vehicles. He likened Volvo’s transition to managing both print and digital editions of a newspaper, while contrasting it with Tesla’s single-minded focus on the digital realm.

Bell emphasized the need for a tailored strategy, cautioning against blindly emulating Tesla’s Californian startup culture. He noted that European contexts demand a nuanced approach, considering unique labor laws and environments.

A Humorous Twist of Vehicles

Despite his distinguished position at Volvo, Bell’s personal garage boasts both a Volvo car and a Tesla Model Y. In an amusing turn of events, Bell arrived at the office in his Tesla on the day of the interview, providing a humorous anecdote that resonates with everyday commuters.

A Testament to Volvo’s Commitment

Despite the mix-up, Bell’s dedication to Volvo’s electric vehicle vision remains unwavering. He proudly showcased Volvo’s cutting-edge test center, poised to be one of the largest facilities dedicated to vehicle software testing globally. This center will play a pivotal role in evaluating new software and updates for Volvo’s existing electric vehicle lineup.


A Fusion of Expertise in the Pursuit of Electric Mobility Anders Bell‘s return to Volvo signifies a union of experience and innovation from two dynamic corners of the automotive industry. His journey underscores the importance of tailored strategies and nuanced approaches in the transition towards electric mobility.


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Who is Anders Bell and what is his background in the automotive industry?

Anders Bell commenced his automotive career at Volvo Cars in 1998, focusing on the interiors of the Volvo 60 and 90 series. He later joined Tesla in 2016 as the Senior Director of Engineering, where he played a pivotal role in the electric vehicle industry.

What analogy did Anders Bell use to describe Volvo’s transition to electric vehicles?

Bell likened Volvo’s transition to managing both print and digital editions of a newspaper, while contrasting it with Tesla’s exclusive focus on the digital realm.

Can you describe Volvo’s new test center mentioned in the article?

Volvo’s new test center is poised to become one of the largest facilities dedicated to vehicle software testing globally. It will be instrumental in evaluating new software and updates for Volvo’s existing electric vehicles, underscoring Volvo’s commitment to advancing electric mobility.

Who is Anders Bell and what roles has he played in the automotive industry?

Anders Bell is the Head of Research and Development (R&D) at Volvo and has a rich history in the automotive field. He began his career at Volvo Cars in 1998, working on interior design for the Volvo 60 and 90 series. Later, he took on the position of Senior Director of Engineering at a prominent electric vehicle company.

What insights did Anders Bell share about Volvo’s transition to electric vehicles in comparison to other companies in the industry?

Anders Bell highlighted an intriguing analogy, likening Volvo’s shift to electric vehicles to managing both print and digital editions of a newspaper. He emphasized the importance of tailoring strategies to fit the European context, cautioning against blindly adopting approaches from other regions.

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